lead by Gábor Goda and Gyöngyi Beer
for those who have participated in the three-day basic training
This training aims to make it possible for participants to integrate the experience and knowledge they accumulate through their practice into the actions of their everyday lives (instead of solely experiencing them in a protected environment, cut off from the outside world) by slowing down the pace and altering the method of the sessions as opposed to the first three, very intensive, thought provoking days of WFC.
You will experience that you can create quality encounters with others and that you can live a quality-filled life. Exercises are carefully and meticulously designed to refine the attention, connections, movements and the body. Participants experience that they can keep their attention alive in a relationship, make decisions together with their partners and take responsibility for themselves. They experience their actions and present selves in continuity with their whole selves, and become aware that they are able to change: themselves, their actions, habits and circumstances.
The group meets from September to June, one weekend per month over ten occasions.
One occasion lasts a day and a half (a Friday afternoon and a whole Saturday). Additional working on self-knowledge takes place, however, not only during these weekends but continuously: at home, at work, on the way somewhere, in any given situation, potentially in every moment of our lives.
Occasions of the 2018–2019 training: Friday 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.
28-29 September, 26-27 October, 16-17 November, 7-8 December, 4-5 January, 8-9 February, 8-9 March, 5-6 April, 3-4 May, 7-8 June
Price: 20.000 HuF/weekend.