WFC is a method that helps us experience our relationships – with others and with ourselves – as harmonious, deep, sensitive, joyful and real: in short, as quality relationships.
It is a tool that helps us decide how we experience our lives.
“Weight” primarily refers to our present selves. Weight means the power with which the body is pulled towards the Earth: gravity. We have a weight because we have a body and live on planet Earth. “Weight” thus means that we live here, on Earth, in our bodies, and this is one of the most crucial components of our present human reality.
“Flow” refers to movement, the continuously changing process of life, and to experiencing it freely and joyfully. “Flow” here means giving directions to our actions in a flow free from tension, respecting the rules of nature, and in harmony with constant change (around and inside us), consciously yet spontaneously; being present in our lives from moment to moment. “Flow” thus refers to active Presence in the Now.
“Contact” refers to human relationships. We are all constantly in contact with one another. This is one of the key elements of our human experience, our humanity. In the course of the WFC trainings we deal with connections on three levels: my relationship to myself, my relationship to another person, and my relationship to the outside world.
Weight Flow Contact is not a theoretical training. We move, practice, experience – and then bring our experiences to the level of consciousness.
You primarily learn from your own body. Your body is your wisest teacher. It has a memory built upon millions of years of experience. It’s simultaneously always with you, at hand, and always in the Present. It signals, sends you messages and teaches you incessantly.
It is primarily you who can do something for improving the quality of your life, and improving the quality of your relationships. The foundation for high quality relationships is attention, support, acceptance and recognition without prejudice and expectations. The ability to cooperate. Harmonious cooperation is based on flow. But, importantly: it shouldn’t be confused with drifting passively. The person in flow is active: cooperating with nature and with their environment, responsible and vigilant: their life is a flow of conscious decisions and actions.
Attention – Movement – Touch – Presence
This movement based, intensive group work will help you discover all that is there to discover in order to create dynamic and harmonic relationships. We will experience how we can give our real selves, and how we can accept the other person.
Harmony is not passive, not fixed and not without risks.
We will experience that our dynamic relations sometimes inevitably lead to a loss of balance; which in itself does not necessarily endanger the relationship, but, to the contrary, it has the potential to give a new impulse when we look for, and find, our common centre of gravity in new situations, unknown paths, through creativity. It is in the continuous movement of this mutual point and through experiencing the constantly changing circumstances life offers us that we discover the dynamic balance that provides the real inner safety of our relationships. We experience how it is possible to give support and be supported at the same time.
Practicing Weight Flow Contact helps us dissolve our rigid, built-in roles, experiencing our true personality. It constantly teaches us to root the essence of our deepest selves in the very current moment.
Self-knowledge – Trust – Self-reliance – Responsibility – Decision
Our experiences redraw the map of our earlier self-knowledge and refine it. Change moves us towards a new quality of life, making it possible for us to experience ourselves increasingly creatively and true to ourselves. We become capable of being without expectations, without judgements and without labelling, being fully present, accepting and understanding, truly empathic both towards ourselves and others. We realize that our life is being created from the chain of our own decisions, and we have the possibility to decide what we live – freely and responsibly in every moment.